Meet with flexibility of command line and gain true power 👑, insight 🔬 and save more time ⏳

Nutek Security Platform 💻 is a system of security breaking in mind but intended for development too, it consist of many utilities and although you must chose your allies wiesly, don't worry yet, Homebrew has almost anything you would need and is required by Nutek thus you can easily find what you need, simply divide and conquer your tasks into smaller bits and that will aid your way to break 💔 the design pattern.

Don't be flattered but those shiny GUI apps, they just do the same, or even less in more time. Here you're are the master, you choose what goes where, and what to tweak, and what leave as default.

This app aim to grow into full environment of interconnected nodes that lead to common goal - information ℹ

Get Started

Download & run ruby nutek-apple.rb on your Mac


Security firt class!

Don't waste time on another script kiddie scanner. Invest time in real research 📚 Find vulnerebilities for your company or alone in bug bounty programs. Work on your terms.

Fast by default ⚡️

This setup was tested on MacBook Air from 2013 with Intel i7, and it was running smoothly 🌪

Power of terminals, consoles and command line

Combine with any kind of Kitty, Alacritty or Warp terminal to create your desired working canvas of characters, floating windows and tabs - the choice is yours (tmux helps)

Maybe it's time to level up your coding or scripting skills?

- I've got you covered. Easily extend your Nutek Security Platform with any kind of programming language (Homebrew has almost everything) and level up your game to the next level

Sponsor using or

Nutek Security Platform

Nutek is an 🔓 open source 📖 project, if not your help, I could not make this, please consider financial support to the authors, any thing you see here is done transparently 🪞, help me lead the way 📈, so you can have the best value 💸 for the buck you invest $

Check out the great Warp Terminal app. It's nice and modern vision of console 💻 (it's not your vader terminal).